: Pradeep’s Science Chemistry Part II Class – 10:PRADEEP’S BOOKS for all school and college classes, and als: for various competitive examinations, are a hallmark of academic excellence Numerous Doctors, Engineers, Company Executives, I.A.S./I.P.S. officers of high repute are pursuing their ambitious careers successfully after follow -: PRADEEP’S BOOKS. The readers’ profound trust in Pradeep’s Books, keeps on inspiring us to continuously lift the standard of our books. Understanding the current demand of the readers, PRADEEP PUBLICATIONS has come out with the present revised series of the books exactly in tune with the latest syllabus and guidelines.
1. Each chapter contains two Self Assessment (Formative Assessment Exercises.
2. Summative Assessment Exercise consisting of MCQs (based on Practical Skills), Very Short Answer Questions, Short Answer Questions and Long Answer Questions with answers and hints at the end of each chapter.
3. NCERT Exemplar Problems and NCERT Textbook Questions and Exercises given with answers.
4. NCERT Textbook Activities thoroughly discussed and their logical conclusions drawn with due explanation.
5. HOTS Questions to test the skills of the learners.
6. Value Based Questions at the end of each chapter in consonance with the efforts of CBSE to inculcate values amongst the students.
7. SUMMATIVE MOCK TEST after each chapter and SUMMATIVE MODEL TEST PAPER at the end of each Term Syllabus with Value Based Questions as per new sample papers.
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