Charge yourself; get ready to make your presence felt. It’s your life so have your own signature style with Axe Signature Intense Body Perfume. A fragrance that unlocks the senses with the subtle hint of woody extracts, vanilla and green hazelnut. It gives you long lasting all day freshness with a luscious aroma and revitalizing aura from the iconic perfumers of Axe. So get set to make a bold statement, tell the world you have arrived with Axe Signature Intense Body Perfume. The Axe Signature range of body perfumes is inspired by the finest fragrances the world has to offer. Axe Signature contains 3 times more perfume in every drop*. These fragrances are stronger, last longer and chisels out your persona whenever you need to take the centre stage. It is the perfect accomplice for all your endeavours. So be it at a party, a business meeting or a date, while others will be merely good, you will strike an impression that won’t fade away. Making an impression is easier with the Axe Signature range. The key is to know how to wear it. To amplify the effect of Axe Signature, apply it on your pulse points. The heat generated by your pulse intensifies the fragrance and assures your impression won’t fade away.
Detail :-
- An enticing fragrance from the Signature Range of Axe that is extremely masculine & creates a blissful ambience for the energetic man.
- Sensual & bold fragrance. This perfume gives off a heady & strong whiff. The sensual & bold aroma of this fragrance speaks volumes about your sophisticated choice & charismatic persona.
- Has fresh & woody fragrance. You will definitely walk with panache when you dab the Axe Signature Intense Eau de Perfume, as it emanates a fresh & woody scent around.
- Contains vanilla & green hazelnut. This intense Eau de Perfume is a timeless possession & endows you with a succulent aroma.
- Long lasting body perfume. Get a refreshing feel all day as this perfume protects you from the bane of body odor.
- Fragrances crafted by legendary perfumers behind global bestsellers.
- Keeps body odour away
- Bold and sensual fragrance
- Fragrance of vanilla and green hazelnut.
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